A rather belated update, the first of several.
A few months ago, the second Henry Fool album “Men Singing” was released on Kscope, more than a decade after the band’s debut.
Henry Fool is an odd band for me… The band is a very deliberate re-imagining of some of the prog rock / prog jazz albums I loved in my youth, and as such is far more nostalgic and less original than most of the projects I like to get involved in. It’s not really music I listen to anymore (I still haven’t heard the final album!)
But… I have enormous fun playing on it. In this case, I turned up to a studio somewhere in Norfolk, played bass all day (one of the few times I’ve played bass in the last ten years sadly), and some time later, thanks to the machinations of Stephen Bennett, Jarrod Gosling (who I’ve yet to meet) and Tim Bowness, an album appears!
Phil Manzanera plays some very interesting guitar on the album, which means I’ve now worked with two Roxy Music members entirely independently.
A limited edition mini-gatefold package has now sold out (I really should update this page more quickly) but the jewel case version of the album is still available:
There’s a brief promotional trailer for the album here (very funny picture of me in rock monster form at 1:15)
You can also listen to a few tracks here:
Updates on the tour with Underworld’s Karl Hyde and a reissue of California, Norfolk, my album with Tim Bowness to follow shortly… honest…